The Best Blizzard Video Game Gift

$20 Blizzard Entertainment Balance Card to Get New Hearthstone Cards and More

You cannot go wrong with this Blizzard gift card for anyone who loves playing any of the Blizzard games. Whether that is someone who plays World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Starcraft, Overwatch, or Diablo.

This gift card can help pay for the monthly subscription fee for World of Warcraft and with that it also includes the new World of Warcraft Classic coming out on August 26, which many hardcore MMORPG fans are hyped to play for hours and hours a day. World of Warcraft classic is the familiar game back before all the big updates to the game and players are excited to start fresh characters and level up the classic way.

A new Hearthstone expansion usually releases every 3 months or so and with that comes brand new Hearthstone cards that players will have to buy if they want to build the best decks. The Blizzard gift card can give your Hearthstone loving friend or family member all the new Hearthstone card packs to open so they can complete their card collection and create all the best decks to beat their foes. They can maybe even afford a deck with a lot of Legendary cards called Wallet Warrior.

The Blizzard Entertainment Balance Card is so versatile that it can be used to purchase any other Blizzard game like Warcraft 3, Starcraft, or Diablo. It can even buy in-game items and loot boxes in games like Overwatch. This really is the perfect gift for any gamer who is obsessed with the Warcraft universe or any Blizzard game.

Nerdy World of Warcraft Funko Pop Gifts

Funko Pop figures are becoming so popular with gamers and geeks alike. These cool-looking, decorative action figures come in a variety of gaming and nerd culture characters from video games, TV shows, and movies.

This Sylvanas Funko Pop is perfect for a Hearthstone player or World of Warcraft fan. Sylvanas is an iconic character in World of Warcraft and she is also an awesome Legendary card in Hearthstone. Her card in Hearthstone is a death-rattle card that when she dies then she gains control of an enemy minion. It is a very unique and strong card to play in Hearthstone.   

Illidan and Deathwing are also iconic figures in Warcraft lore and Legendary cards in Hearthstone. Illidan is a card in Hearthstone that summons demons for every card that you play. Deathwing is a crazy powerful battle-cry card that destroys all the minions on the battlefield but the downside is that it discards all of your cards in your hand. Any Hearthstone player will be familiar with these Funko Pop characters and would be so excited to show them off in their gaming room or man cave (or woman cave for all the gamer girls out there).

Thrall is the main character in the Shaman class in Hearthstone. He can summon totems and has a lot of unique battle-cry cards in his class. This is another great gift for someone who is into Hearthstone.

The Best Hearthstone Books

The Art of Hearthstone the ultimate Hearthstone fan book. It shows a lot of the beautiful card art and how those creations were made. It goes into detail of how Hearthstone was made and how it came to be the popular card game that it is today.

Hearthstone: Innkeeper’s Tavern Cookbook is a fun gift. It has recipes for many Hearthstone related drinks, desserts, and meals. It is perfect to make delicious food for parties or unique Hearthstone themed drinks and cocktails. With this book you can bake Polymorph Puffs or a Fireside Log dessert. It has 50 recipes that are Hearthstone inspired.

If you or someone you know is looking to get better at Hearthstone or they just want to know how to play then this Hearthstone game guide is the best for both beginners and advanced Hearthstone players. It can be hard to both know how to build a deck in Hearthstone and then how to play that deck to get wins. This books helps you get those wins by first giving you the basics of how to play but also providing the skills to build the best decks and the strategies with those decks so that you can get to the Legend Rank.

A Hearthstone Puzzle

A cheap and easy gift for Christmas or a birthday. This 1000 piece Hearthstone puzzle has all the different card backs in Hearthstone. Have fun as a family completing this puzzle together over the holidays. Again, it’s a perfect and cheap gift for any Hearthstone gamer.  

Keychain Gifts for Gamers and Hearthstone Fans

Cheap Video Game Car Keychains

The coin is an iconic card in Hearthstone as in about half the games you play this card will be in your opening hand. This is my favorite car keychain that is Hearthstone themed. It comes in gold and silver varieties and is high quality metal with a sapphire blue color in the middle of the coin.

Another good keychain gift themed around Hearthstone is this card pack keychain. A great gift for someone who plays Hearthstone so they can show off their card pack around their car keys anywhere that they go. This is another high quality keychain that has some blue color in the middle that helps it stand out from the rest of the metal on your keychain.

The most unique and cool-looking Hearthstone keychain is the Thrall Doomhammer keychain. This is also a good gift idea for someone who likes to play World of Warcraft as the Doomhammer is a classic weapon used in that game. It is also a powerful card that is played by the Shaman class in Hearthstone. This keychain really stands out and looks incredible.

Cheap Hearthstone Bottle Opener

This is one of the cheapest hearthstone gifts on the list. It is also practical, as it is a bottle opener that you can attach to your keychain. The simple design and art is incredible especially for the low price of $3.99. This would be the absolute best stocking stuffer for a Christmas present for any video gamer or Hearthstone player. Check it out by clicking the picture above. 

Easy Hearthstone and World of Warcraft Gift Ideas

All of these gifts are under $30. Whether it’s a white elephant, Christmas, or birthday, the Hearthstone gamer in your life will love these gifts. I hope you enjoyed this list and if you have any other Hearthstone gift ideas then be sure to comment the links below. Happy gift shopping!