I created Room Modifiers as a way to make each room unique. They appear in each room randomly and provide a different challenge for the player. 

Ground Shock 
  The ground shocks in the corners of the room, which damage the player when hit. 
Fidget Spinner
  Alternates shooting projectiles in four directions diagonally and then 4 directions vertically and horizontally
Projectile Shooter
 Two Chinese finger traps are in the room which shoot projectiles
Movement Reduction
 Movement speed of the player is reduced while in the room
Attack Speed Reduction
 Attack speed of the player is reduced while in the room
Cooldown Projectiles
 When the player uses one of there cooldown abilities projectiles shoot from enemies in the room
Lootfind Reduction
 Zero lootfind while in this room
Treasure Enemy
 This enemy appears in the room for a few seconds and then disappears. If attacked enough it drops coins.

Check out Toybit Quest here: Steam Page