It has been a little over 6 months since the initial release of my roguelite game, Toybit Quest. I made one update a few weeks after release to fix bugs and buff the players stats to make the game a little easier because of the common complaint that the game was too hard. I released a new update now, 6 months after release, where I added some content and made some changes to make it easier for players to reach the endgame content of the game(because from my data no one was getting that far). I want to go into some detail about this most recent update and the reasons for continuing to update Toybit Quest.

Buffing the Player

This new update I wanted to make it easier for new players to get into the game. I did not want to make it too easy because I still wanted it to be a hard game. I increased the player's starting health from 3 to 4. It does not seem like much but this will help you survive the early levels quite a bit until you can get a little further in the game to get more health upgrades. The biggest buff from the previous update was increasing the player's attack speed, which really increased the speed of the game and I feel that it helped everyone playing the game to not be frustrated with the slow attack speed. 

Adding Content

The content that I added was more permanent upgrades to buy in the shop. This helps you tremendously as you continue to play the game because the longer you play the more coins you collect, which are kept even if you die. These coins can then be spent in the shop to permanently upgrade stats on the player so your next run will be even stronger than your last. This idea of permanent upgrades as you play more is not a new concept for roguelites. It is a prominent concept in Rogue Legacy, and also in the more recently released roguelite, Dead Cells. They are both amazing games and were an inspiration for Toybit Quest.

Rogue Legacy

Rogue Legacy was my first gaming experience in a roguelite with permadeath that encouraged playing again after you died to gain permanent upgrades for your character. Its permanent upgrade skill tree is really impressive and makes for decisions that you make as the player to create certain builds for the character in the game. 

I am continuing to update Toybit Quest because I want you to know that I am not done updating the game. My goal in the next few months is to add a big patch with a new mode. I started making Toybit Quest because I wanted to make a game that I could be proud of and that I would love to play myself and I really hope it can reach a wider audience so that they will enjoy collecting loot and upgrading their character as much as I do. 

Check out Toybit Quest here: Steam Page