I wanted to share a series of posts where I include wiki pages on Toybit Quest so that players will have more information about the game. I will start with listing some of the important items in the game and their stats. 
Before we start it is important to know the different types of items in Toybit Quest. There are normal item drops that come with a variety of upgrades. Once one of these normal item drops are found you will not be able to find another of the same kind in the same run. 
There are also equipment slot items; belts, boots, and gloves. These equipment slot items come in brown, orange, cyan, and purple. Brown being the weakest with the lowest stats and purple being the best with a ton of stats. These can be interchanged throughout each run.
Consumable items consist of keys, coins, and health regaining batteries.  
Let's get started.
  • Brown Chest - 
Takes one key to open. Has chance to drop item drop, brown equipment slot drop, or a small chance to drop orange equipment slot drops.
  • Orange Chest - 
Takes two keys to open. Has chance to drop item drop, orange equipment slot drop, or a small chance to drop cyan equipment slot drops.
  • Cyan Chest - 
Takes three keys to open. Has chance to drop item drop, cyan equipment slot drop, or a small chance to drop purple equipment slot drops.
  • Purple Chest - 
Takes fours keys to open. Has chance to drop item drop or purple equipment slot drops.
  • Red Chest - 
Takes two keys to open. Drops a health regaining battery each time and can be opened multiple times as long as the player has enough keys.

  • Boots - 
Comes in brown, orange, cyan, or purple variety; purple having the best stats. Increases movement speed and has a chance of increasing health, attack damage, or loot find. 
  • Gloves - 
Comes in brown, orange, cyan, or purple variety; purple having the best stats. Increases attack speed and has a chance of increasing health, attack damage, or loot find. 
  • Belt - 
Comes in brown, orange, cyan, or purple variety; purple having the best stats. Reduces cooldowns and has a chance of increasing health, attack damage, or loot find. 
I will continue in the next post with all the normal items and information about them.  
Check out Toybit Quest here: Steam Page